My experiments with Love...
Love at first sight.....This is a very wrong statement I must say....if it’s true....then what is crush??...what is infatuation??.... There is thin line of difference between crush, infatuation and LOVE...
Love is something that builds up gradually when you are in contact of the concerned person...when u get to know her lifestyle... her attitude towards compatible the person is with u in anything or everything....and when love happens...U don’t even know it happened...There is just a need to say it in all is quite obvious...
I also don’t believe that love happens only once....if it’s true then who the hell has said “Just move on in life”...Relationships form and they break.....We do not understand why the person we loved so much has become unbearable now??...why has the relationship just become a mere formality?? ...Its just a matter of chance that we break up....
The time u come out of a relationship is the time u r most susceptible to a new relationship..It’s the time u need an emotional support....That forms the basis of a new relationship..And it happens all over again...
Some people are not lucky enough to get a chance to know their crushes...(yeah crushes...coz I don’t believe in Love at first sight).....Maybe because they are shy....or its destined to be so...Whatever be the case never get obsessed with someone so much that she laughs at you when you pass by her and just that single sarcastic smile makes you cry..She mayb the world to u.....but U aren’t nething to her...Sounds bitter but true...
Disclaimer: The above mentioned words are not true for all the people...Exceptions are always there...This is my personal opinion...No offences...Any resemblance with any person is purely coincidental...